Mechanical Engineering Science

Theoretical and Experimental Study on the Speed-up of Freight Train with Mixed Marshaling of Light and Heavy Vehicle

ZHANGXing, LILi, CUIDabin, FUYaodong, GUOHaiyang


To study the influence of the speed-up of a freight train with mixed marshaling of light and heavy vehicles on the dynamic behavior, a dynamic model of the freight train was established based on the modular method of cyclic variables, and the dynamic behavior of the freight train was simulated and analyzed under different marshaling patterns, speeds and line conditions. On-site speed-up test with different marshaling freight trains was carried out, and the stability and ride-index of the train before and after the speed-up were compared and analyzed. The feasibility of increasing the speed of freight trains with mixed marshaling of light and heavy cars was demonstrated theoretically and experimentally. The results show that the theory is in good agreement with the test, which can effectively reflect the dynamic behavior of the vehicle. The dynamic behavior of the freight train in the study meets the requirements of increasing speed to 90 km/h. This paper provides a theoretical basis and method for railway freight transportation and the speed-up of freight vehicles.


mixed marshaling of light and heavy vehicle; freight train; dynamic behavior

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Copyright (c) 2021 Xing ZHANG, Li LI, Dabin CUI, Yaodong FU, Haiyang GUO

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