Mechanical Engineering Science

Computing Method of Multivariate Process Capability Index Based on Normalized Pretreatment

YingGuangqi, RanYan, ZhangGenbao, LiuYuxin, ZhangShengyong


For the traditional multi-process capability construction method based on principal component analysis, the process variables are mainly considered, but not the process capability, which leads to the deviation of the contribution rate of principal component. In response to the question, this paper first clarifies the problem from two aspects: theoretical analysis and example proof. Secondly, aiming at the rationality of principal components degree, an evaluation method for pre-processing data before constructing MPCI using PCA is proposed. The pre-processing of data is mainly to standardize the specification interval of quality characteristics making the principal components degree more reasonable and optimizes the process capability evaluation method. Finally, the effectiveness and feasibility of the method are proved by an application example.


Multivariate process capability index; The standard range; Contribution degree; Specification intervals

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Copyright (c) 2019 Guangqi Ying, Yan Ran, Genbao Zhang, Yuxin Liu, Shengyong Zhang

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