
Sensitivity Analysis and Selection of Check Index of Signal Intersection Simulation Model Based on VISSIM

ZhangMengda, ZhouChenjing, ZhangTian-tian, HanYan


Selecting check index quantitatively is the core of the calibration of micro traffic simulation parameters at signal intersection. Five indexes in the node (intersection) module of VISSIM were selected as the check index set. Twelve simulation parameters in the core module were selected as the simulation parameters set. Optimal process of parameter calibration was proposed and model of the intersection of Huangcun west street and Xinghua street in Beijing was built in VISSIM to verify it. The sensitivity analysis between each check index and simulation parameter in their own set was conducted respectively. Sensitive parameter sets of different check indices were obtained and compared. The results show that different indexes have different size of set, and average vehicle delay's is maximum, so it's necessary to select index quantitatively. The results can provide references for scientific selection of the check indexes and improve the study efficiency of parameter calibration.


micro traffic simulation; signal intersection; check index; sensitivity analysis; VISSIM




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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33142/sca.v2i5.818


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