Mechanical Engineering Science

A Review of Lane Detection Based on Deep Learning Methods

ZHANGYunzuo (School of Information science and Technology, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University), TUZhiwei (School of Information science and Technology, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University), LYUFenfen (Sports Technical School of Hebei Sports Bureau)


Lane detection is an important aspect of autonomous driving, aiming to ensure that vehicles accurately understand road structures as well as improve their ability to drive in complex traffic environments. In recent years, lane detection tasks based on deep learning methods have made significant progress in detection accuracy. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review of deep learning-based lane detection tasks in recent years. First, we introduce the background of the lane detection task, including lane detection, the lane datasets and the factors affecting lane detection. Second, we review the traditional and deep learning methods for lane detection, and analyze their features in detail while classifying the different methods. In the deep learning methods classification section, we explore five main categories, including segmentation-based, object detection, parametric curves, end-to-end, and keypoint-based methods. Then, some typical models are briefly compared and analyzed. Finally, in this paper, based on the comprehensive consideration of current lane detection methods, we put forward the current problems still faced, such as model generalization and computational cost. At the same time, possible future research directions are given for extreme scenarios, model generalization and other issues.


Deep learning; Lane detection; Image segmentation; Object detection; Parametric curves

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