“The Last Waterfront in Pearl River Delta”: Space Generation and Cultural Ecological Characteristics of Traditional Village in Gulao Waterfront
Lingnan waterfront is a relatively complete cultural ecosystem formed under the influence of unique natural environment, social economy and regional culture. However, the existing researches on Lingnan waterfront pay more attention to the physical space of traditional settlements than the overall natural environment surrounding the settlements. Taking Gulao Waterfront as an example, this paper analyzes it from the perspective of interactions between human and natural environment, social economy and regional culture by using the theory of cultural ecology. This paper also analyzes the spatial generation process of Gulao Waterfront, systematically sorts out the overall village pattern, water network and water conservancy space, settlement space, agriculture and fairs space, folk beliefs and ritual space, and conclude that the cultural ecological characteristics of Gulao Waterfront is under the law of water. The important value in Gulao Waterfront of the cultural ecological characteristics and integrated historical heritage protection for the Pearl River Delta has been excavated, which enriches and deepens the cultural heritage research of traditional village in Lingnan waterfront.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33142/jsa.v1i3.13923
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