Journal of South Architecture


Issue Title
Vol 1, No 2 (2024) Content and Method of Studying Minority Traditional Villages and Dwellings Based on Cultural Geography Abstract  PDF
Chuanbiao DING, Dawei XIAO
Vol 1, No 2 (2024) Construction of Multiple Paths for the Living Protection and Utilization of Traditional Villages: A Case Study of the Zhoutie Traditional Village in the Taihu Lake Area Abstract  PDF
Jinxiu WU, Xiaodong XU, Meiying ZHANG, Zhenghao WU, Yu BAI
Vol 1, No 1 (2024) Post-utilization Evaluation of Public Space in Traditional Villages and Towns from the Perspective of Space Syntax Abstract  PDF
Jianhua CHEN, Suiping SUN, Kefeng LIN, Jia LIN
Vol 1, No 1 (2024) Landscape Feature Extraction and Floristic Division of Traditional Villages in the Minjiang River Basin Abstract  PDF
Runze LIN, Fan YANG, Dan ZHANG, Cheng ZOU, Zhen ZENG, Xiaohe LI
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