Research and Application of Materials Science

Review Study on the Accumulation and Release of Trace Metal Elements on Aluminum Containing Sediments in Drinking Water Distribution System

ZHANGXiaoni, MENGJinghua, CHENLi, ZUOHuanhuan, WANGWendong


Accumulation and releasing of trace metal elements on aluminum containing sediments of inner drinking water pipe is discussed, as studied from five variations effecting: raw water quality, chemical reagents, solution pH and drinking water flow condition . In order to decrease the release of trace metal elements, and to ensure the pipe operation and human safety, water quality adjustment is suggested to avoid aluminum containing sediments formation in drinking distribution system. The maximum amounts of accumulation of common trace metal elements are given. Future trends of development in this field are also proposed.


drinking water distribution system; aluminum containing sediments; trace metal elements; accumulation; release

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