Research and Application of Materials Science


Issue Title
Vol 5, No 2 (2023) Improved Corrosion Behavior of Biodegradable Mg-4Zn-1Mn Alloy Modified by Sr/F co-doped CaP Micro-arc Oxidation Coatings Abstract  PDF
Weirong LI, Yanfang LI, Qian LI, Xuan XIONG, Fangfei LIU, Ronghui LI, Heng LI, Dong PANG, Jia LU, Xuan ZHANG
Vol 3, No 2 (2021) Oxidation resistance of magnesium alloyed by different elements: a brief review Abstract  PDF
Zhihui LIU, Zhuosong XIAO, Qi SUN, Guojun LIU, S Lippmann, Yongfu ZHU
Vol 1, No 2 (2019) Preparation of Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles Using Fulvic Acid as A Capping Agent and Its Effect on Catalytic Activity Abstract  PDF
Jinxing LI, Abdelrahman A. Badawy, Guanben DU, Xiaojian ZHOU, Hisham A. Essawy
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