Effect of Deformation Conditions on Mechanical Properties of Zr-based Metallic Glasses
In this paper, the effects of different strain rate(1×10-5 s-1, 5×10-5 s-1, 1×10-4 s-1, 5×10-4 s-1, 1×10-3 s-1) and aspect ratio(1:1, 1.5:1, 2:1, 2.5:1, 3:1) on mechanical properties of Zr-based metallic glasses at room temperature were investigated. The results indicate that as the strain rate increases, the plastic strain and compressive strength of the specimens gradually decrease. The specimen with the strain rate of 1×10-5 s-1 exhibits the higher plastic strain of 10.25 %, compressive strength of 2002 MPa and fracture strength of 1999 MPa. In addition, accompanied with the increase in aspect ratio, the plastic strain of the specimens declines from 25.42 % to 1.97 %, meanwhile, the compressive strength and fracture strength of the specimens also present declining trend.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33142/rams.v2i2.3171
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